To ventilate. To share. To help others find solutions to thier own HOA issues, and maybe for you to find some as well. This site will provide you with the opportunity to post your story without fear of being identified by your HOA. You will be asked to provide only your initials, and city and state to identify your tale. We will not be collecting eMail addresses or any other information unless you want to provide it voluntarily.
a place to slander, liable, threaten, intimidate, or engage in other illegal activities against your HOA specifically and therefore we ask that you NOT name your HOA, nor your neighborhood. Content will be edited so as to prevent anyone from actually identifying which HOA you are talking about. While we realize that if they see their name here it may provoke them to change their ways, it is more likely to get us sued and the site shut down
or work for one, you will probably not like this site. But, maybe if you read what is here you will gain some understanding of "the other side" and perhaps be better for it. Pro-HOA notes are not encouraged and unless they provoke a lively and meaningful debate, will likely not be posted.
The delay is necessary for the vetting and editing noted above. We reserve the right to edit any and all submissions for content. We do not guarantee any submission will be posted at all. But, if you stay within the simple guidelines, there is no reason to not post it. Oh yeah, spammers and those posting active links, or other malicious code will be prosecured to the fullest extent of the law.
All of this being said, post your stories, tell your tales, read the trials and tribulations of others, commisurate, feel better in the company of others in misery, be happy you do not have someone else's HOA, take a deep breath, and get on with your life!
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